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Cafe and Q&A Events

End of an Era

The Truth Serum series of live Cafe and Q&A events with Jac are winding down in June 2023.  The few remaining events are listed below. Thank you for being a part of the journey.

  • Jun 11, 2023, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    Zoom online event
    Please join us for the final Truth Serum event before Jac moves on from her role as a teacher. Truth Serum Cafe is a live online gathering with Jac. Bring your own cup of tea/coffee and join us. Price is sliding scale $10–50, you choose.
Truth Serum Logo.png

About the Truth Serum Cafe

Resource and expand your spiritual awareness of the depths of consciousness at the Truth Serum Cafe! Join Jac on Sundays from 2:00PM to 3:00PM ET and hear about new ways to apply spiritual wisdom in everyday life. 

Explore the shop of previous Truth Serum recordings

  • Who do I contact for questions about the site and product purchases?
    For questions about the site and product purchases please contact
  • How do I register for an account on the website?
    Before you can make a purchase or register for an event you have to register with the website first. Use the email address you most frequently check. This email address will receive information about your product and event orders. Step 1: click the Log in button at the top right of the menu bar. It is visible no matter what page of the website you're on. Step 2: If you have registered on the site before, you can enter your email and password to log in. If this is your first time making a purchase on the site, click "Sign Up". Step 3: Enter your information on this page including your email address and choose a password. That's it! You're all set and can now register for events and purchase from the Shop. Check out the other FAQ on how to register for the Truth Serum Cafe for more instructions on event registration.
  • Where do I find my purchased products?
    If you pruchased a digital file such as an audio file, retreat audios, downloadable CD, audible, or an ebook, you will receive an email from <> with a downloadable link to your digital orders. These orders will also be available for download under My Orders under your login name. If you purchased a video channel subscription on the Watch page under Shop, you will receive an email from Admin support to letting you know the duration of your subscription. You can access the purchased channel by clicking on the Video channel icon from the Watch page under Shop. Please contact for any questions you may have on the purchased products/subscriptions.
  • Are Jac's downloads compatible with both Apple and Android?
    Yes, downloadable files are single or grouped. When grouped, you will receive a zip file that contains the individual files. Click the “Download” button to save the audio or Zip file on your PC. After you have successfully downloaded the MP3, open iTunes to transfer the file. Click “File” and choose “Add file to library”. Connect your iPad to PC using a USB cable and sync your iPad to transfer files.
  • Spiritual terms explained.
    Absolute That which is constant and beyond all modification. Synonymous with God. Awakening To be awake is to recognize and know that you are neither body nor mind. Abiding awakening is synonymous with self-realization and enlightenment. Abiding awakening is a state of being where one no longer identified with thoughts. Self referenced thinking ceases. Consciousness Consciousness is the self-contained capacity that manifests form and formless and reflects its own creation unto itself. It therefore has the capacity to imagine its own existence. It includes individual consciousness, which comprises the dreaming and waking states. Discernment The ability to recognize what is not evident to the thinking mind. In the absence of judgment, discernment reveals what is true. The ability to discern is fundamental to spiritual maturity and wisdom. Duality A mode of perception where the perceiver is the subject and all that is seen is objectified and therefore different to the subject. Duality requires a belief in separation. Duality shows up when pure consciousness perceives itself as an individual personal and misidentifies with the physical body. Existence Existence is manifest with the thought ‘I am’. Liberation A stateless state wherein concepts cannot influence action. All actions come from consciousness without interference from the conceptual mind. It is the state of being fully human where mind serves consciousness. Mind no longer has the capacity to influence action. Matter Matter is the perception of particles manifesting in physical form. Natural State The natural state prevails when attention is resting where it arises (within). The natural state is not a state of mind, though experientially there is calm, peace, joy, relaxed ease and happiness. It can also be experienced as emptiness where nothing is absent. Identification with thoughts does not arise in the natural state. Non Duality A mode of perception where what is perceived is inseparable; all particulars are part of the same unity. Individuality disappears. There is only the subject or non dual presence. Equanimity is perceived. Pointer Pointers indicate a direction and not a destination. A destination by contrast would engage the mind in a conceptual idea of what is expected. A pointer allows an open space for that which is beyond mind to reveal itself to individual consciousness. Prior to Consciousness This is a pointer until it ceases to be a pointer! Reality That which is constant and unchanging. It is neither phenomenal nor conceptual and is best used to differentiate from that which is unreal, and changing. Resistance Avoiding, denying or pushing away that which is present. Self Honesty Having no self-judgment and no pretense with regard to ones own journey. Not hiding behind beliefs, image or ideas. Recognizing without deflection. Spiritual Practice Spiritual practice is a natural ceaseless orientation towards Reality. Spiritual practice is inevitable because your true nature is inherently motivated to reveal itself through experience. Stepping Back Withdrawing attention from any single mode of perception. Shifting to a wider perspective. Truth Truth is the non-conceptual recognition of what is Real. Truth is intuitively known to be Reality when there is full clarity about what is false. Truth cannot be objectified and it follows that there is nothing to ‘get’.
Truth Serum Q&A
Truth Serum Q&A logo red.png

About the Truth Serum Q&A

Join Jac on the last Sunday of every month from 2:00PM to 4:00PM ET and ask Jac questions on any topic related to your spiritual path, in real time, open mic!

  • Who do I contact for questions about the site and product purchases?
    For questions about the site and product purchases please contact
  • How do I register for an account on the website?
    Before you can make a purchase or register for an event you have to register with the website first. Use the email address you most frequently check. This email address will receive information about your product and event orders. Step 1: click the Log in button at the top right of the menu bar. It is visible no matter what page of the website you're on. Step 2: If you have registered on the site before, you can enter your email and password to log in. If this is your first time making a purchase on the site, click "Sign Up". Step 3: Enter your information on this page including your email address and choose a password. That's it! You're all set and can now register for events and purchase from the Shop. Check out the other FAQ on how to register for the Truth Serum Cafe for more instructions on event registration.
  • Where do I find my purchased products?
    If you pruchased a digital file such as an audio file, retreat audios, downloadable CD, audible, or an ebook, you will receive an email from <> with a downloadable link to your digital orders. These orders will also be available for download under My Orders under your login name. If you purchased a video channel subscription on the Watch page under Shop, you will receive an email from Admin support to letting you know the duration of your subscription. You can access the purchased channel by clicking on the Video channel icon from the Watch page under Shop. Please contact for any questions you may have on the purchased products/subscriptions.
  • Are Jac's downloads compatible with both Apple and Android?
    Yes, downloadable files are single or grouped. When grouped, you will receive a zip file that contains the individual files. Click the “Download” button to save the audio or Zip file on your PC. After you have successfully downloaded the MP3, open iTunes to transfer the file. Click “File” and choose “Add file to library”. Connect your iPad to PC using a USB cable and sync your iPad to transfer files.
  • Spiritual terms explained.
    Absolute That which is constant and beyond all modification. Synonymous with God. Awakening To be awake is to recognize and know that you are neither body nor mind. Abiding awakening is synonymous with self-realization and enlightenment. Abiding awakening is a state of being where one no longer identified with thoughts. Self referenced thinking ceases. Consciousness Consciousness is the self-contained capacity that manifests form and formless and reflects its own creation unto itself. It therefore has the capacity to imagine its own existence. It includes individual consciousness, which comprises the dreaming and waking states. Discernment The ability to recognize what is not evident to the thinking mind. In the absence of judgment, discernment reveals what is true. The ability to discern is fundamental to spiritual maturity and wisdom. Duality A mode of perception where the perceiver is the subject and all that is seen is objectified and therefore different to the subject. Duality requires a belief in separation. Duality shows up when pure consciousness perceives itself as an individual personal and misidentifies with the physical body. Existence Existence is manifest with the thought ‘I am’. Liberation A stateless state wherein concepts cannot influence action. All actions come from consciousness without interference from the conceptual mind. It is the state of being fully human where mind serves consciousness. Mind no longer has the capacity to influence action. Matter Matter is the perception of particles manifesting in physical form. Natural State The natural state prevails when attention is resting where it arises (within). The natural state is not a state of mind, though experientially there is calm, peace, joy, relaxed ease and happiness. It can also be experienced as emptiness where nothing is absent. Identification with thoughts does not arise in the natural state. Non Duality A mode of perception where what is perceived is inseparable; all particulars are part of the same unity. Individuality disappears. There is only the subject or non dual presence. Equanimity is perceived. Pointer Pointers indicate a direction and not a destination. A destination by contrast would engage the mind in a conceptual idea of what is expected. A pointer allows an open space for that which is beyond mind to reveal itself to individual consciousness. Prior to Consciousness This is a pointer until it ceases to be a pointer! Reality That which is constant and unchanging. It is neither phenomenal nor conceptual and is best used to differentiate from that which is unreal, and changing. Resistance Avoiding, denying or pushing away that which is present. Self Honesty Having no self-judgment and no pretense with regard to ones own journey. Not hiding behind beliefs, image or ideas. Recognizing without deflection. Spiritual Practice Spiritual practice is a natural ceaseless orientation towards Reality. Spiritual practice is inevitable because your true nature is inherently motivated to reveal itself through experience. Stepping Back Withdrawing attention from any single mode of perception. Shifting to a wider perspective. Truth Truth is the non-conceptual recognition of what is Real. Truth is intuitively known to be Reality when there is full clarity about what is false. Truth cannot be objectified and it follows that there is nothing to ‘get’.


Jac goes with you wherever you are coming from and pulls you deeper; there is no end on this movement. Jac is so human, down to earth and still beyond anything and everything. She holds you with love and compassion while making a clean cut through illusions, through our stories of separations. Only demanding what she fully embodies. Honesty and integrity.

M.T.H., Canada

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